

Display Block

Display Block - Overview - 

The Display block can display text or graphics on the EV3 Brick display.
Select the type of text or graphics you want to display using the Mode Selector. After you have selected the mode, you can choose values for the inputs. The inputs available will change depending on the mode. The modes and inputs are described below.
You can click the Display Preview button to see a preview of what the Display block will show on the EV3 Display. You can keep the preview open while you are choosing the input values for the block.
Many of the Display block modes use X and Y coordinates to specify where to draw an item. The coordinates specify a pixel position on the EV3 Brick display. The position (0, 0) is at the upper left corner of the display, as shown in the image below.

The display is 178 pixels wide and 128 pixels high. X coordinate values range from 0 at the left of the display to 177 at the right. Y coordinate values range from 0 at the top to 127 at the bottom.
*You can use the Display Preview button in the top left corner of the Display block to help you find the right display coordinates.

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